Dynomec dynamometer systems 2023 
WT-6140 dynamometer system:
Dynomec WT-6140 is 2023 launched accurate and repeatability dynamometer software for measuring power and torque output produced by an engine.The various specifications are:
- DynomecWT dynamometer software and Dynomec WT-6140 data acquisition box
- Accurate and repeatability dynoruns with power/torque measurements
- Comprehensive database for customers and their equipments
- Full realtime screen for analog inputs
- 4 analog channels (e.g. used for lambda,EGT,MAP,CLT,EGP and many other sensors)
- USB connected, can be used any type computers
- Support for Win7,Win8,Win8.1,Win10 (32bit/64bit)
- Dynorun can be later simulated and compared with other runs
- Very easy to use
- The continuous development and updates in the future
- Compatible with Yoctopuce Yocto-Meteo-V2 to get automatic weather correction factors
- SAE J1349,DIN70020 and SAEJ607 standard weather correction factors
Price for basic package is 1100EUR(inc. VAT 24%)
Orders and questions to: support@dynomec.com
Basic package includes :
- DynomecWT software
- DynomecWT-6140 DAQ
- Roller sensor Panasonic PM-25(optical sensor)
- 1 x 14pin female connector
WT-6280 dynamometer system:
Dynomec WT-6280 is 2019 launched accurate and repeatability dynamometer software for measuring power and torque output produced by an engine.The various specifications are:
- DynomecWT dynamometer software and Dynomec WT-6280 data acquisition box
- Accurate and repeatability dynoruns with power/torque measurements
- Comprehensive database for customers and their equipments
- Full realtime screen for analog inputs
- Realtime screen for Hp,Kw and Nm values.
- Loadcell support for brakedynamometers
- 8 analog channels (e.g. used for lambda,EGT,MAP,CLT,EGP and many other sensors)
- USB connected, can be used any type computers
- Support for Win7,Win8,Win8.1,Win10 (32bit/64bit)
- Dynorun can be later simulated and compared with other runs
- Very easy to use
- The continuous development and updates in the future
- Compatible with Yoctopuce Yocto-Meteo-V2 to get automatic weather correction factors
- SAE J1349,DIN70020 and SAEJ607 standard weather correction factors
Price for basic package is 1400EUR(inc. VAT 24%)
Orders and questions to: support@dynomec.com
Basic package includes :
- DynomecWT software
- DynomecWT-6280 DAQ
- Roller sensor Panasonic PM-25(optical sensor)
- 1 x 14pin female connector

If you have any hopes of the new features, please send email to support@dynomec.com